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mexican hat中文是什么意思

用"mexican hat"造句"mexican hat"怎么读"mexican hat" in a sentence


  • 梅西肯哈特


  • " mexican hat dance " plays
  • Continuous wavelet transform ( cwt ) analysis at noaa / avhrr thermal data ( channels 4 when present ) was made by the approach of the isotropic 2d mexican hat wavelet
    摘要利用二维连续小波变换(墨西哥帽小波) ,结合影像下的地物类型分布,对多时相的noaa / avhrr影像4波段数据进行信号场分析。
  • Analysis using method of morlet and mexican hat wavelet transform shows that there were 2 to 5 years and quasi - 7 years oscillations in the summer rainfall over shandong
    结果表明,山东夏季旱涝存在着明显的阶段性和群发性的特征。 1961 1978年雨涝发生频繁, 1979 1992年是干旱的群发阶段,雨涝较少。
  • Based on the conventional statistic methods and mexican hat wavelet , the geographical distribution of sunshine duration and wind velocity and their annually , and inter - decadal changes in recent 40 years are analyzed using daily sunshine duration and wind velocity data of 6 stations in naqu from 1961 to 2000
    摘要利用那曲地区6个气象站1961 - 2000年逐日日照时数和风速资料,采用常规统计方法和墨西哥帽小波变换分析那曲地区近40年日照时数和风速的地理分布以及年内、年际、年代际变化规律。
用"mexican hat"造句  


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